恐竜の作り方: JurassiCraft (day140)
恐竜MOD: JurassiCraft。
1. 化石を見つける: Finding fossils
1.1. 石に入っている化石を見つける: Finding fossils in a stone
1.2. Plaster and Bandageを持っている状態で右クリック: Right click with Plaster and Bandage
1.3. survival modeでpickaxeで破壊しEncased fossilをgetする: Get an encased fossil by breaking the stone in a survial mode.
2. Encased fossilsを洗い流し、Grinderでsoft tissueを得る: Cleaning off fossils and grinding to get soft tissue.
2.1. Cleaning Stationで化石を洗う: Cleaing off fossils with Cleaning station.
水バケツとencased fossilを置く: Placing water bucket and an encased fossil.
骨の一部が出てくる: Getting a part of bones.
2.2. Fossil Grinderでsoft tissueを得る: Getting soft tissue with Fossil Grinder.
骨を置く: Placing a bone.
soft tissueを得る (flintやbone mealになることもある): Getting soft tissue (sometimes flint or bone meal)
3. DNAを得る: Getting DNA
3.1. DNA SequencerでDNAを得る: Getting DNA with DNA Sequencer
Soft tissueとStorage disc (empty)を置く: placing soft tissue and a Storage disc (empty).
DNAを得る。しかし、DNA Quality: 100%が必要: Getting DNA with, in most cases, low quality (100% is required)
3.2. DNA Combinatorでlow qualityのものを集めて100%にする: Getting DNA with 100% quality by combining
先ほどの65%に50%を加える: Placing 65% and 50% DNAs
100%DNAを得る:Getting DNA with 100% quality.
4. DNA SynthesizerでDNAを合成する: Synthesizing DNA with DNA Synthesizer
Storage disc (DNA with 100% quality)とEmpty Test TubeとDNA Nucleotidesを置く: Placing Storage disc (DNA with 100% quality), Empty Test Tube, and DNA Nucleotides.
DNA入りの試験管を得る: Getting Test tube with DNA.
5. Embryonic Machineでシリンジに入ったDNAを得る : Getting DNA in a syringe with Embryonic Machine
DNA入り試験管、Petri Dish (empty)、Empty Syringeを置く: Placing a tube with DNA, Petri Dish (empty), and Empty Syringe.
シリンジに入ったDNAを得る: Getting DNA in a syringe.
6. Embyro Calcification Machineで恐竜の卵を得る: Getting an dinasour's egg with Embyro Calcification Machine
シリンジに入ったDNAと卵(chicken egg)を置く: Placing DNA in a syringe and an egg (chicken egg)
恐竜の卵を得る: Getting an dinasour's egg
7. Incubatorで卵をふ化させる: Hatching an egg with Incubator
卵とPeat Mossを置く: Placing an egg and Peat Moss block.
バーの色により性別が変わる: The color of bars determines gender.
yellow: female
red: male
orange: random
ふ化した卵を得る: Getting an Hatched egg
Hatched eggで右クリックで恐竜誕生!: Spawning a dinasour by right clicking with an Hatched egg!!